Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Party Planning

With Kamryns party one a few days away I'm trying to pull everything together from balloons to party favors, food and invites. The invitations are in the mail and they turned out really cute and wanted to share. She is having a Disney princess party, she loves it. She has been talking about her party for over a month and it is finally here. I think she talks about her party at least once or twice a day she cannot wait. This is her invite, we always do these folded invites that our family and friends can have not only a invitation but also a frameable picture.




I love it!

Kamryn and I were at United buying some groceries and we decided to look through all the cakes to see what we liked. Well, I opened the book to this and I knew we had to get it. It was the perfect princess cake. Kamryn wanted it right then and there but I told her we have to wait until your party. I cannot wait until she sees the cake. I found it online too here is a pic of the cake they are making
I also wanted to share something cute kamryn said the other day in the car. My mom and I were driving and my mom said to kamryn " are you naw's precious baby" Kamryn said "no I'm mommy's precious baby" it was so cute.

A day in Dallas

Over the weekend we decided to take a day trip to Dallas to go shopping and visit my brother who lives in Dallas. Kamryn got some early birthday presents. We were driving around looking for this home expo place to get ideas for our new house and we drove by American Girl. I knew I wanted to get Kamryn one of these American girl dolls for a while but I thought we would wait until she got a little older. But since we were right there we could not resist going in and checking it all out. Oh my! I was amazed at this store.. Kamryn was in doll heaven. They had anything and everything for your doll. From a doll hair salon, and getting your dolls ear pierced. I knew once we got in the store we would probably have to buy her a doll. They had some baby dolls that were a little less expensive than the bigger dolls. So we got her a doll, a extra outfit and a little high chair for her doll. So she was so excited to get her a doll.

Kamryn and I changing her outfit

they had some adorable doll furniture.

We also stopped by Roberts new house and it is looking so cute.

Friday, May 22, 2009

looks like this is the one..

Looks like we found the house we have been looking for. After making a offer on the house the seller countered at a very reasonable offer and we took it. Now we have to get through inspection next week and if everything goes as planned we should close on the house around the second week in June. We are very excited. We are planning on remodeling the kitchen and painting the house first, then after we get settled in work on the bathrooms next. But we are super excited and pray everything works out for the best. Here are a few pics we took last night.
Daddy's big yard we wanted

The house comes with this play house climber

Kamryn checking out the princess room.. she loves it!

Kamryns bathroom.
Our bathroom
My dad being his goofy self trying out the tub


Yesterday we checked the temp in the pool and it was 86 so Shawn insisted that we all go swimming so we all got in it was a blast. At first kamryn was a little nervous but then she was off swimming all over the pool with her life jacket floaty. The pictures are a little bright it was really sunny out.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

my new toy!

My mothers day present.. I'm loving my new phone and when I saw a friend of mine with one of these custom cell covers I knew I had to get one.

my big girl!

Kamryn got her big girl bed a few days ago and and she loves it. She calls it her princess castle bed.. and I wasn't sure how she would do but the first night she slept all night and when she woke up she said I'm a big girl I slept in my big girl bed! She has transitioned to it very well, I thought it might be hard because she was so used to her crib but she did great and is loving it.

Monday, May 18, 2009

House hunting

We are starting to house hunt again. Last night our realtor took us to a couple of houses we thought we would be interested in looking at. Our price range now is a little lower because of Shawn losing his job and now starting a new one and he does not make as much as he used to. So we are definitely on a budget and we cannot afford as much..but we found one we like, it needs some work but overall not bad. Needs new counter tops in the bathrooms and the kitchen needs some work but basically it is a little out dated and and needs some updating. But we think over time we can do things to update the home. here is the front of the house.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Birthday pictures

I cannot believe my baby will be 3 in just a few weeks. It just seems like yesterday she was crawling all over the place and now she is almost 3 years old! We took some 3 year pics of her and she loved it. She has been talking about her party for weeks and she was so excited to take birthday pictures. Everyday she asks me when can I have my princess party. She cannot wait! Here are a few we took. I'm working on the birthday invite. I will post it as soon as we get it done.

Its my birthday and I will cry if I want to....

Mothers Day

Sunday we had a nice relaxing Mothers day. I was woke with breakfast in bed by daddy and Kamryn, so sweet. And Kamryn kept telling me " Happy Mobers Day mommy" It was so adorable. That was the best present ever.. Daddy and kamryn were planning on buying me a new phone for mothers day but we were unable to upgrade to a new phone until May 11 the day after mothers day so we are going to go this week and get me a new phone... My phone has had it. Kamryn and I made these plates for both of her grandparents for mothers day and they love them. I really like them too. I guess me and kamryn will have to make one for us too. Here is the picture of the one we made for Naw & pappee. I didn't get to take a picture of the one we made for nannie & grandpa before Kamryn took it over to them. kamryn had lots of fun making it.

It was a wonderful Mothers day and every moment with kamryn is such a treasured gift. She is so precious and the best part of me is being a mom. Hope everyone had a great mothers day..

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Ice Cream!

Last night I was working at the studio.. It has been so crazy as the studio these days I think this must be our busiest season ever. I had a newborn to shoot and Kamryn called me at the studio and said " I want ice cream" I asked her want kind and she said "strawberry" so I made a trip to Braums to get her a strawberry sundae which she loved! Here a few pics of her eating her strawberry ice cream...
This is her playing dress up in her favorite tutu!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

No pictures mommy!

This morning I took some shots of Kamryn in her dance costume because I want to design her a name composite with all her dance pics in her dance poses. But Kamryn had other ideas, she wasn't really in the mood for any pictures but these actually turned out pretty cute.

She was done!
So then she decided she would try on all the hats here is one she picked out she said she wanted a picture in. After this picture she said " No more pictures Mommy".