Monday, June 21, 2010

bad blogger!

I'm such a bad blogger these days! Since our little boy came home from the hospital its just been crazy and I haven't had hardly any time at all. Going from one child to two is a difference that's for sure. When we left the hospital he was weighing 5lbs 14 oz and at our 1 week check-up after being discharged he was 6lbs 7oz! He gained 9 ounces in a week! Yay! He is doing great but eating every 2 hours which is a little exhausting but I'm loving it! We are breastfeeding and we are doing great! Kamryn is loving her little brother and such a good little helper but she is constantly in his face kissing and loving on him its cute but he hates it! LOL!

Here are a couple of his newborn pics I took.

Our Birth Announcement: Front
