Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Tannyn 3 months

I took Tannyns 3 month pics a few days ago and they turned out soo cute! Most everyone knows that daddy loves the Florida Gators well I wanted to do something with the helmet so I came up with this and I thought it turned out pretty cute one of these will be have to go in the game/toy room.

Hahaha! This pic is soo funny! Shawn snapped this while I wasnt paying attention and its so funny!He likes to grab my shirt when hes getting hungry!

First Football Game

We had the first football game at memorial stadium and Tannyns first experience at football games he did great! Kamryn had fun cheering and eating popcorn!

The hat was little too big..but cute! Daddy wasnt crazy about it and bought him a baseball cap!

First Days!

Last Monday the 30th Kamryn had her first day of school and dance. She was thrilled to get back to school to see all her friends but she wasn't thrilled to be getting up so early to go to school! haha!

Well at least she had a good breakfast!

This year

Last Year! Look how much she has grown...

Off to school she goes!

Kamryn and her teacher Mrs. Miller

We also had her first day back to dance she wasn't too happy because the kept her in her actual age group most of her little dance friends were in the older class that she was in last year but this year Ms. Julie thought we would try her in the 4 yr old class! She wanted to be with her other friends in the Kindergarten dance class. But she warmed up after a while and did ok.

Fun with watermelons

I actually took these in July..I know I'm a bad blogger :( trying to get better! Tannyn and Kamryn really didn't want their pic made here I just got a few but they are pretty darn cute!

My silly girl

my little chunky man!

Spray park fun

We finally made it to the spray park a few weeks ago before they closed for the season and we brought along a few of kamryns friends. They had so much fun. They played so hard and had a blast! Kamryn and I got burned pretty good and we even put on tons of sunscreen!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tannyn 2 months old

Finally I think we are caught up on the blog. Tannyn is now almost 3 month old and doing great. His reflux is doing much better and growing like crazy I took him to get shots yesterday which was not fun at all. But he is now 13lbs 10 oz and 24 inches long. Doctor said he is perfect and doing so good. I'm still nursing him and we are doing really good with it. I didn't realize how much easier nursing is than formula feeding. And there is a satisfying feeling that I'm the one providing all his nutrients and helping this sweet boy grow and thrive. Its a great feeling. Here are a couple of his 2 month pics.

Love the cheeks

Monday, August 9, 2010

Family Pictures

We had our first big photo shoot of our family of 4! It wasn't so much fun..it was hot and kamryn was not interested at all in taking any pictures she would look at everything but the camera. Tannyn did great he just slept the entire time..It was a hard photoshoot but we did it and the pictures turned out better than I expected.

Looks just like her daddy

Love the little smile on Tannyn's face

Love my kids!

Lake Trip

We went on our annual lake trip a few weeks ago to marble falls. It was so much fun and so nice to get away for a few days. Tannyn was too little to ride on the boat so we stayed inside or watched from the land beside the lake. He slept most of the time. He did so good the entire trip. Here are a few pics from the trip

Fun on the boat

Kamryn riding on the knee board

pretty blue eyes

sleepy boy