We told our family with cupcakes! After our appointment I called the bakery and ordered cupcakes with blue filling and we told our families with cupcakes they had to take a bite out of the cupcake to see what we were having. It was really cute. Except our appt was in Ft Worth and I couldn't tell my mom until we got home so she was texting and calling non-stop trying to get hints on what it was. We were strong and told her No! She didn't like that too much but it was a fun way to tell everyone.
Now I dont feel too guilty for buying all those boy clothes before we actually knew it was a boy. I just had a feeling. I think his name will be Timothy Tannyn Polk. He will go by Tannyn. Unless I come across a name I like better along the way but I for now we are calling him Tannyn. Kamryn is so excited she talks to my belly all the time.Its so adorable!
The doctor visit in Ft worth went very well, everything is perfect with the baby. Growing above average, I hope that doesn't mean I will have a huge baby. We go back to Ft Worth in 4 wks for another sono and check up. The heart rate was in the 160's and very strong. We got a DVD on the sonogram, that I'm going to try and play with and see if I can get it on the computer. It was really cute he waved and was moving all around it was really cute.